The players and dealer each get three cards, and the person with the highest hand wins, Players may choose to bet on the "Pair Plus"option, where they receive a specified payout if they have at least a pair, regardless of whether or not they win,"

Game Table

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Hand Combination
Straight Flush Three of a kind Straight Flush One Pair High Card
  • The players place an ante bet on the layout. They may also place a Pair Plus bet, or just a Pair Plus bet without an ante bet.
  • The dealer deals 3 cards to each of the players and himself face-down.
  • The players decide whether to fold (quit the game) or continue. If they continue, they must place their cards on the “play” bet area of the layout and put an amount equal to the ante on top of it as an additional bet.
  • After the players have made an additional bet, the dealer opens his cards. If the dealer doesn’t have at least a Queen high, the ante bet is paid even money.
  • If the dealer has at least a Queen high
    - Player wins: The ante bet and the play bet is paid even money.
    - Dealer wins: The player loses his ante bet and play bets.
In diminishing order, cards are ranked from Ace, King, Queen, Jack, and 10 down to 2. If an Ace is combined with a 2 and a 3, it will be used as a 1.

(e.g. a straight of 4, 3, and 2 beats a straight of 3, 2, and Ace.)

If a player and dealer both have a pair of the same value, the side with a higher third card wins.
Hand Rankings

The rankings in Sevenluck poker are different from those of regular poker. The rankings are as follows.

Hand Rankings
Category Explanation Rank
Straight Flush Three successive cards of the same suit High
Three of kind Three cards of the same rank
Straight Three successive cards
Flush Three cards of the same suit
One Pair Two cards of the same rank
High Card Three cards of different suit and number
(at least with a card of Queen high)
(Decide the winning by the rank of the card)

Ante Bonus : If a player has one of the following hands, he will receive an additional payout on the ante bet, regardless of winning or losing game

Payouts(nte Bonus)
Category Payout Ratio
Straight Flush 5 to 1
Three of a Kind 4 to 1
Straight 1 to 1

Pair Plus : If a player makes a Pair Plus bet and gets one of the following hands, he will receive an additional payout regardless of winning or losing the game (This does not apply if he folded).

Payouts(Pair Plus)
Category Payout Ratio
Straight Flush 40 to 1
Three of a Kind 30 to 1
Straight 6 to 1
Flush 4 to 1
Pair 1 to 1