Texas Hold’em Bonus Poker is a game in which the dealer and players compete to make the best poker hand out of 2 private cards and 5 community cards.

Game Table

게임테이블 이미지

Hand Combination
Royal Flush Straight Flush Four of a kind Full House Flush Straight Three of a kind Two Pairs One Pairs High Card
  • There are 5 betting areas in the game of Texas Hold’em Bonus Poker.
  • The dealer encourages customers to make a bet while shuffling a deck of cards. Customers who wish to participate in the game need to make an ANTE bet.
  • After completion of shuffling, the dealer confirms that all bets have been made. The 5 community cards are placed in the community card area, faced down. Each customer is given 2 hole cards. Lastly, the dealer receives 2 hole cards.
  • Each customer can choose to give up, continue or check after looking at their private hole cards. If a customer gives up, the dealer collects the chips and cards of the customer. If a customer chooses to continue the game, the customer bets twice the amount of ANTE bet placed in the area indicated as FLOP.
  • Then, the dealer opens the 3 leftmost cards out of the 5 community cards. This is known as the ‘FLOP’.
  • After opening of the 3 flop cards, customers may bet the same amount as the ANTE bet on the TURN bet or choose to check. Checking allows customers to stay in the game without making an additional bet. If a customer checks, places a check mark on the corresponding betting area.
  • Once the TURN bet is done, the dealer opens the 4th community card. This is known as the ‘TURN’. As for the TURN bet, customers can choose to bet the same amount as the ANTE bet on the RIVER or check. All bets are done now.
  • The dealer opens the last and 5th community card. This is known as the ‘RIVER’. After opening of the RIVER card, the dealer opens the dealer’s cards and compares them with cards of each customer. Bets are taken away or paid back depending on the outcome.
Each poker game uses a fifty-two(52) cards standard deck of cards. The cards are ranked from Ace, King, Queen, Jack and Ten through Two in descending order. An Ace may also be used as a card lower ranking than a two in straight hand. A poker hand at the showdown consists of your best five cards ranked according to the list on the right hand side, from highest to lowest.
Card Rank
카드Rank 순위
Category Explanation Rank
Royal Flush Ace, King, Queen, Jack and Ten of the same suit High
Straight Flush ight with all five cards in the same suit
Four of kind Four cards of the same rank ('quads')
Full House Three cards of one rank and two cards of another rank. If more than one player has a full house, the full house with the highest ranking three of a kind wins.
Flush Five cards of the same suit. If there is more than on flush, the hand with the highest card(s) wins.
Straight Five cards in sequence. Cards can be in any suit. An Ace can be used in the highest straight(A,K,Q,J,T) and the lowest straight(A,2,3,4,5)
Three of kind Three cards of the same rank('trips')
Two Pair Two different sets of two cards of the same rank. If two players have two pair, the hand with the highest pair wins. If they have the same pair, whoever has the second highest pair wins. If they have the same two pair, whoever has the highest fifth card('kicker') wins.
One Pair Two cards of the same rank. If two players have the same pair, the highest outside card(s) wins.
High Card The hand with the highest card(s) wins. Low
Games will be started and/or closed at management's decision All seating and/or table changes will be controlled by the staff. All games are played as table stakes. Only one player may act upon a hand. It is the player's responsibility to protect his or her own hand. Other languages except Korean and English will not be permitted (First priority on Korean) All decisions of management are final.