You can enjoy several games on a single electronic machine at the same time.

How to operate hybrid electronic game


  • Please insert the bill(Cash) or ticket into the machine to participate in the game.
  • Be sure to touch the tab of the game to progress the game which you want to participate in
  • Batting time is from the start of a new game until the countdown timer shows "0" or the confirmation process of the result of the table which you bet on begins
  • You may complete your betting by moving to the desired location of betting or touching the desired location of betting after the selection of betting chips.
  • If the result on the screen is different from the result of the game, the result of game is the official result.
  • If you finish the game, ticket comes out when you touch the withdrawal button

□ Limit of Betting

(Unit : Won)

Limit of Betting
Betting position Odds Minimum bet Maximum bet
Straight Up Bet 35:1 2,000 100,000
Split Bet 17:1 2,000 200,000
Street Bet 11:1 2,000 300,000
Square Bet(Corner Bet) 8:1 2,000 400,000
Six Number Bet 5:1 600,000
Column Bet 2:1 4,000 1,000,000
Dozen Bet 2:1 4,000 1,000,000
Even Money Bet 1:1 4,000 1,500,000

□ How to play game

  • Roulette betting position is the same as the way of playing the real table roulette game.
  • Section betting is a betting in which you choose the sector on the basis of the roulette wheel arrangement of numbers and you can bet on 2, 4, or 6 numbers including the left and right numbers centered around the selected number.

□ Limit of Betting

(Unit : Won)

Limit of Betting
Betting position Minimum bet Maximum bet
Limit of Banker 5,000 1,000,000
Limit of Player 5,000 1,000,000
Limit of Banker Dragon Bonus 2,000 50,000
Limit of Player Dragon Bonus 2,000 50,000
Limit of Banker Pair 5,000 100,000
Limit of Player Pair 5,000 100,000
Limit of Super 6 2,000 100,000
Limit of Tie 5,000 100,000

□ The rule of Baccarat

  • The rule of Baccarat is the same as the way of playing the table game.
  • You can bet on the player, the banker, tie or all betting positions of every side available.
The result of Game

The winning hand of player or banker is the hand of the highest specified number.

The result of Game
Player betting Win 1:1
Tie Push
Banker betting Win by the total number other than 6 1:1
Win by the total number of 6 1:1/2
Tie Push
Tie betting Tie 8:1

※ Payment of 1/2 on Win by Banker 6 (No commission applied)

Side betting
  • You can Dragon Bonus bet on Player hand, Banker hand. or both sides.
  • You win when you win with hand 4 or more, or with both cards 8 or 9 (Natural)
드래곤 보너스 상금표
Prize table of Dragon Bonus
Win by 9 points* 30:1
Win by 8 points* 10:1
Win by 7 points* 6:1
Win by 6 points* 4:1
Win by 5 points* 2:1
Win by 4 points* 1:1
Natural win 1:1
Natural Tie (Tie by two cards of 8 or 9 ) Push
  • You can pair bet on Player hand, Banker hand, or both sides.
  • You win when two cards handed to you are pair and you lose in the other cases.
Pair betting
Prize table of Pair
Prize table of Pair
Player Pair 11:1
Banker Pair 11:1