Travel Highlights with Seven Luck메뉴오픈

FAQ in Travel Highlights
What is the membership registration procedure?

Bring your passport to one of our places and apply for membership. You can register as a member after going through a simple verification procedure.
(See benefits of our membership card)
You can check your membership points saved through our kiosk machines or mobile app (Seven Luck+) and various promotion events.

Google Play  App Store

Can we take photos inside the casino?

Phototaking inside the casino is not allowed to protect the privacy of other customers, so please only take photos from the outside or at the entrance of the casino building. Our videos were taken in a separated space.

What games are operated at Seven Luck?

We operate table games (Baccarat, Blackjack, Roulette), electronic table games (Baccarat, Roulette, Terminal), and slot machines. The types of games are subject to change.