Personal Information Treatment Policy
(2015. 12. 01 ~ 2017. 6. 27 )

Grand Korea Leisure Co., Ltd. establishes and discloses its personal information policy as below in order to protect personal information of information owners and quickly handle related troubles pursuant to Article 30 of the Personal Information Protection Act.

Article 1 (Purpose of Handling Personal Information)

① Grand Korea Leisure Co., Ltd. handles personal information for the following purpose. Personal information handled by the company will not be used for other purposes. In the event that the purpose is changed, necessary actions such as obtaining of user agreement will be taken according to Article 18 of the Personal Information Protection Act.

  • 1. Website membership management
    Personal information is handled for the purpose of confirming intent of membership, identification and authentication of members for membership services, maintenance of membership, and enforcement of limited identity verification system.
  • 2. Handling of civil complaints
    Personal information is handled for the purpose of confirming identity of civil complainers, details of civil complaints, contact and notice for investigation of facts, and notification of results.

② The purpose of personal information files registered and disclosed by Grand Korea Leisure Co., Ltd. according to Article 32 of the Personal Information Protection Act is as follows.

개인정보파일의 처리목적
No. Name of Personal Information File Grounds for Operation / Purpose Personal Information Recorded on Personal Information File Possession Period
1 7Luck website member information Terms of use, agreement of information owners / membership management Name, nationality, e-mail, date of birth, sex, etc. Quasi-permanent(immediately deleted upon membership withdrawal)
2 Grand Korea Leisure website (about employment) Handling of recruitment information Name, employment application Immediately deleted upon recruitment
3 Registration, access history management, and the sales activity use of foreign casino customers Management of casino access by foreigners and customers Name, birthday, passport number, foreigner registration number, etc. 10 years

※ For more details on personal information files of Grand Korea Leisure Co., Ltd., please visit Privacy Portal of the Ministry of Public Administration and Security ( and use Privacy Complaint → Request Personal Information → Search List of Personal Information Files menu.

Article 2 (Personal Information Handling and Possession Period)
  • ① Grand Korea Leisure Co., Ltd. handles and possesses personal information within the period of personal information possession according to law or period agreed by information owner upon collection of personal information.
  • ② The period of personal information handling and possession is as follows.
    • 1. Website membership management: Until membership withdrawal However, until removal of the reason in the following case
    • 1) When an investigation on violation of relevant laws is underway, until completion of the investigation
    • 2. Handling of civil complaint: 3 years after handling of civil complaint
    • 3. Storage of identity information according to Article 29 of the Enforcement Decree of the "Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc.": 6 months after the end of posting of information
Article 3 (Provision of Personal Information to a Third Party)

Grand Korea Leisure Co., Ltd. handles personal information of its users within the scope provided in Article 1 (Purpose of Handling Personal Information) and does not exceed the given scope or provide information to a third party without prior agreement of users.

For more details on the scope of personal information handling, refer to "Personal Information Files of Grand Korea Leisure" below or visit Privacy Portal of the Ministry of Public Administration and Security ( and use Privacy Complaint -> Request Personal Information -> Search List of Personal Information Files menu.

Article 4 (Entrustment of Personal Information)

The purpose of personal information files registered and disclosed by Grand Korea Leisure Co., Ltd. according to Article 32 of the Personal Information Protection Act is as follows.

개인정보의 위탁자 및 업무내용
Entrusted Party (Trustee) Details of Tasks Entrusted
RingNet Co., Ltd. Integrated operation and management of information system
(including institution and marketing websites)
Lotte Tour Development Co.,Ltd Information inquiry for customers reserving air tickets

※ For more details on personal information files of Grand Korea Leisure Co., Ltd., please visit Privacy Portal of the Ministry of Public Administration and Security ( and use Privacy Complaint → Request Personal Information → Search List of Personal Information Files menu.

Article 5 (Rights and Obligations of Information Owners and Method of Exercising Them)
  • ① Information owners may exercise their rights related to personal information protection with Grand Korea Leisure Co., Ltd. at any time as below.
    • 1. Inquiry of personal information
    • 2. Correction of any errors
    • 3. Deletion
    • 4. Suspension of information handling
  • ② You can exercise the rights with Grand Korea Leisure Co., Ltd. under paragraph 1 through document, electronic mail and facsimile (fax) according to the form provided in Annex No. 8 of the Enforcement Rules of the Personal Information Protection Act. Grand Korea Leisure Co., Ltd. will take immediate action.
  • ③ When an information owner requests correction of errors or deletion of personal information, Grand Korea Leisure Co., Ltd. will not use or provide that information until correction or deletion is completed.
  • ④ You may exercise the rights under paragraph 1 through a legal representative or entrusted agent. In this case, you must submit a letter of attorney according to the form provided in Annex No. 11 of the Enforcement Rules of the Personal Information Protection Act.
Article 6 (Items of Personal Information Handled)

Grand Korea Leisure Co., Ltd. handles the following personal information items.

  • 1. website membership management (including membership application form)
    • Required items: Name, password, e-mail, resident / foreigner
    • Optional items: Nationality, sex, date of birth, membership card number
  • 2. Handling of civil complaint
    • Required items: Name, phone number, address
    • Optional items: E-mail
  • 3. The following personal information can be automatically generated and collected during use of internet service. (If there are personal information items generated and collected automatically) IP address, cookie, service records, visiting records, delinquency records, etc.
Article 7 (Destruction of Personal Information)
  • ① When personal information possession period expires or information becomes unnecessary due to accomplishment of the purpose, Grand Korea Leisure Co., Ltd. promptly destroys corresponding personal information.
  • ② If personal information needs to be preserved pursuant to other laws despite expiration of possession period agreed by the information owner or accomplishment of the purpose, corresponding personal information (or personal information file) is either transferred to a separate database or moved to another storage location.
  • ③ The procedure and method for destruction of personal information are as follows.
    • 1. Destruction procedure
      Grand Korea Leisure Co., Ltd. establishes a plan for destruction of personal information (or personal information file) and destroys information according to the plan. Grand Korea Leisure Co., Ltd. selects personal information (or personal information file) with reasons to destroy and destroys personal information (or personal information file) after obtaining approval of the personal information protection supervisor of Grand Korea Leisure Co., Ltd.
    • 2. Destruction method
      Grand Korea Leisure Co., Ltd. destroys personal information recorded and stored in the form of electronic file so that it cannot be restored. Personal information recorded or stored on paper is destroyed by shredding or incinerating.
Article 8 (Securing Safety of Personal Information)
  • ① Grand Korea Leisure Co., Ltd. takes the following measures to secure safety of personal information.
    • 1. Administrative measure: Establishment and enforcement of internal management plan, regular education of employees, etc.
    • 2. Technical measure: Management of authority to access personal information system, installation of access control system, encryption of identity information, installation of security program
    • 3. Physical measure: Control of access to computer room and data room
Article 9 (Personal Information Protection Supervisor)
  • ① Grand Korea Leisure Co., Ltd. designates a personal information protection supervisor in charge of handling personal information as below to handle complaints of information owners and relieve damages.

    ▶Personal information protection supervisor
    Name: Nam-Sun Yun
    Position: Director of Management Headquarters
    Contact: 02-6421-6010,
    ※ This contact number leads to personal information protection department.

    ▶Personal information protection department
    Name of department: IT Team
    Supervisor: Chung hyeon-deok
    Contact: 02-6421-6461,

  • ② Information owners can contact the personal information protection supervisor and department about all inquiries, complaints and damages related to personal information that occur while using services (or businesses) of Grand Korea Leisure Co., Ltd. Grand Korea Leisure Co., Ltd. will promptly respond to inquiries of information owners.
Article 10 (Request of Personal Information)
  • ① Information owners may request the following department to show personal information according to Article 35 of the Personal Information Protection Act. Grand Korea Leisure Co., Ltd. will help information owners and quickly handle personal information requests.

    ▶Department that receives and handles personal information requests
    Name of department: Ethical Management Team
    Supervisor: Lee, Jong-Won
    Contact: 02-6421-6421,

  • ② In addition to the department that receives and handles personal information requests under paragraph 1, information owners may also request personal information through 'Privacy Portal' website of the Ministry of Public Administration and Security (

    ▶ Privacy Portal of the Ministry of Public Administration and Security → Privacy Complaint → Request Personal Information (I-PIN is required for identity verification)

Article 11 (Rectification of Infringement on Rights and Interests)

Information owners can contact the following institutions for damage relief and counseling on personal information infringements.

The following institutions are not related to Grand Korea Leisure Co., Ltd. Contact these institutions if you feel unsatisfied with handling of personal information by Grand Korea Leisure Co., Ltd. or need more help.

▶Personal Information Infringement Report Center (operated by Korea Internet & Security Agency)
- Services: Reporting of and counseling on personal information infringements
- Website :
- Contact: (Without exchange number) 118
- Address: (138-950) Personal Information Infringement Report Center, Korea Internet & Security Agency, 135 Jungdae-ro, Songpa-gu, Seoul, Korea

▶Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee (Operation of Privacy Protection Committee)
- Services: Mediation of personal information dispute and collective dispute (settlement by civil means)
- Website:
- Contact: +82-2-2100-2499
Fax: +82-2-2100-2485
- Address: (03171) 4th FL Government Seoul Building, 209 Sejong-daero Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea

▶Cybercrime Investigation Department of Supreme Prosecutors' Office: 02-3480-3573 (

▶Cyber Terror Response Center of National Police Agency: 1566-0112 (

Article 11 (Change of Personal Information Policy)
  • ① This Personal Information Policy shall come into effect on December 1, 2015.