Chapter 1 General
Article 1 (Purpose)
- ① The purpose of these Terms is to define the basic conditions and procedures of using services of (the “services”) provided by Grand Leisure Korea Co., Ltd. (the “company”).
Article 2 (Effect and Change of Terms)
- ① These Terms come into effect when announced on the website or notified to members via email or other means.
- ② If deemed necessary, these Terms may be changed. When the Terms are changed, changes are announced promptly in the same way as described in Paragraph 1. Members who continue using the services after the changed Terms come into effect are regarded as having agreed with the changes.
Article 3 (Rules Other Than Terms)
ll rights and obligations that arise in relation to this website ( are according to laws of the Republic of Korea. Matters not mentioned in these Terms may apply other regulations under the Framework Act on Telecommunications, Telecommunications Business Act, and other relevant laws.
Article 4 (Definitions)
Definitions of terms used in these Terms are as follows.
- ① Website: The website refers to a virtual space set up by Grand Korea Leisure Co., Ltd. to introduce or provide information about business sites of 7Luck Casino and surroundings using telecommunication equipment like a PC to provide the services or products to members. It may also refer to the business operator that operates the website.
- ② Member: A member refers to a person who registered as a member of “” by providing personal information, receives information about “,” and can continue using the services provided by “”
- ③ ID: An ID refers to a combination of letters and numbers decided by a member and approved by the company for the identification and service use of the member.
- ④ Password: A password refers to a combination of letters and numbers decided by a member to verify the ID of the member and protect the confidentiality of the member.
- ⑤ Withdrawal: Withdrawal refers to termination of the membership contract by the company or a member after opening of the services.
Chapter 2 Service Contract
Article 5 (Establishment of Service Contract)
- ① If a member clicks “Agree” button under the “Terms of Use” upon membership registration, the member is regarded as having agreed with these Terms.
- ② The service contract is established when the company approves the service request of the customer.
Article 6 (Service Request)
- ① To use the services, the member shall submit a request by filling in all fields of user information on the registration form prescribed by the company.
- ② All fields of user information on the registration form are regarded as real data. A user who does not enter one’s real name or factual information is not protected by laws and can be subject to restriction of the services.
Article 7 (Acceptance of Service Request)
- ① he service request is submitted on the user registration screen, where the customer fills out the registration form. The company accepts the service request of the customer if required information is provided accurately.
Article 8 (Limitation on Acceptance of Service Request)
- ① The company may not accept the following requests:
- A. If the services cannot be provided for technical reasons;
- B. If the user does not provide real name or uses false information, such as someone else’s name;
- C. If the user omits or provides false registration information;
- D. If the user hinders or intends to hinder social order or traditional custom;
- E. If the user is a minor aged below 19 years;
- F. If the user otherwise fails to fulfill registration requirements of the company;
- G. If the user duplicates, circulates or uses commercially information obtained using the services of the company without prior approval of the company; or
- H. If the conditions set forth by the company including these Terms are violated.
Article 9 (Change of User Information)
When user information provided upon registration is changed, the member shall modify information online. The user is liable for any problems that arise from unchanged information.
Chapter 3 Obligations of Contacting Parties
Article 10 (Obligations of Company)
- ① The company cannot disclose or distribute personal information of members obtained in relation to the services to a third person without prior consent. The following cases are exceptions:
- A. If demanded by a state institution according to laws, such as the Framework Act on Telecommunications;
- B. If it is for a criminal investigation or requested by the Korea Communications Standards Commission; and
- C. If otherwise requested in accordance with the procedure set forth in relevant laws.
Article 11 (Obligations of Member)
- ① The member shall not engage in the following acts when using the services:
- A. An act of using the ID of another member illegally;
- An act of duplicating, changing, publishing, broadcasting, or providing to a third person information obtained from the services for unintended purposes without prior approval of the company;
- C. An act of infringing copyrights of the company, copyrights of others, and other rights;
- D. An act of circulating information, sentence, or figure that hinders public order and traditional custom to others;
- E. An act that is objectively related to a crime; and
- F. Other acts of violating relevant laws.
- ② The member shall abide by relevant laws, matters regulated in these Terms, service guidelines, and precautions.
- ③ The member shall abide by any service restrictions posted or announced separately.
- ④ The member cannot engage in any profit-making acts using the service without prior approval of the company.
- ⑤ The member cannot transfer, give, or provide as security to others one’s rights of using the services and contract status, unless agreed explicitly by the company.
Chapter 4 Provision and Use of Services
Article 12 (Deletion of Postings or Contents)
- ① The company may delete without prior notice all contents within the services either posted or delivered by the member (including exchanges between members) if the contents correspond to the following cases, and the company does not bear any responsibility:
- A. If the contents slander or defame the company, another member, or a third person;
- B. If the contents correspond to circulation of information, sentence, or figure that violates public order and traditional custom;
- C. If the contents are acknowledged as to be related to a criminal act;
- D. If the contents infringe copyrights of the company, copyrights of a third person, and other rights;
- E. If the contents are unrelated to the services of the company;
- F. If the contents are unnecessary or unapproved advertisements or sales promotion materials; and
- G. If the contents otherwise violate relevant laws and guidelines of the company.
- ② The company may determine and enforce separate guidelines for postings, and the member shall register or delete various postings (including exchanges between members) according to the guidelines.
Article 13 (Copyright of Postings)
- ① The member possesses the copyright of the postings (including exchanges between members) posted by the member within the services, and the company has a right to post them within the services.
- ② The company cannot use the postings for other purposes without the consent of the member.
- ③ The company does not bear civil and criminal responsibilities when a posting posted by a member within the services infringes copyrights of a third person, program copyrights, etc. If the company receives a formal objection such as a claim for damages from a third person due to infringement of copyrights, program copyrights, etc. by the member, the member shall make efforts to exempt the company from responsibilities and bear all losses incurred on the company.
- ④ The company may delete any postings posted by a member who withdraws or is withdrawn for a rightful reason.
- ⑤ Copyrights of works made by the company belong to the company.
- ⑥ The member cannot make a profit or allow a third person to use data published within the services by fabricating or selling information gained using the services. Infringement of copyrights is subject to the application of relevant laws.
Article 14 (Use of Point or Mileage System)
- ① The company can give points to the member (the “points”).
- ② The company may decide and enforce a separate guideline for gaining and using the points, and the member shall abide by the guideline.
- ③ The company may provide to or receive from affiliated companies minimal information necessary to save and use the points of the member (ID, other information to identify the member, and name, address and phone number needed for delivery).
- ④ If the member is found to have gained the points by an illegal means, the company may retrieve the points of the member, delete the ID, or bring criminal charges.
Chapter 5 Others
Article 15 (Cancellation of Contract and Restriction of Use)
- ① If the member intends to cancel the service contract, the member shall request the company to cancel the contract.
- ② If the member engages in the following acts, the company may cancel the service contract without advanced notice or suspend the service use for a period:
- A. If the member stole the service ID and password of someone else;
- B. If the member disturbs operation of the services on purpose;
- C. If the member circulates contents that hinder public order and traditional custom on purpose;
- E. If the member defames or gives disadvantages to others;
- D. If the member plans to use or uses the services for the purpose of hindering national interest or public interest;
- F. If the member transfers large volume of information or advertising information for the purpose of disrupting stable provision of the services;
- G. If the member circulates computer viruses that cause malfunctioning of telecommunication equipment or destruction of information;
- H. If the member infringes intellectual property rights of the company, another member, or a third person;
- I. If demanded by an external institution, such as the Korea Communications Standards Commission, to make a correction or an authoritative interpretation is provided by the National Election Commission in relation to illegal campaigning;
- J. If the member uses personal information, user ID, and password of someone else illegally;
- K. If the member duplicates, circulates, or uses commercially information gained using the services of the company without prior approval of the company;
- L. If the member posts obscene materials or links obscene websites on the website or forum;
- M. If the member violates the conditions set forth by the company including these Terms, and relevant laws; and
- N. If the member has not used the ID for three years or longer.
Article 16 (Protection of Personal Information of Users)
The company strives to protect personal information of members including registration information under relevant laws. Personal information of members is protected under relevant laws and the “Personal Information Protection Policy” set forth by the company.
Article 17 (Compensation for Damages)
- ① If the member incurs damages on the company by violating these Terms, the violating member shall compensate for all damages.
- ② If the company receives various complaints, such as a claim for damages and lawsuit, from a third person for an illegal act of the member or violation of these Terms while using the services, the corresponding member shall exempt the company at one’s responsibility and cost. If the company cannot be exempted, the corresponding member shall compensate for all damages incurred on the company therefrom.
Article 18 (Exemption Clause)
- ① The company is exempted from the responsibility to provide the services when the services cannot be provided because of a natural disaster or an equivalent force majeure.
- ② The company is exempted from the responsibility for damages caused by inevitable reasons such as repair, replacement, periodic inspection, and construction of service equipment.
- ③ The company is exempted from the responsibility if a service error is caused by a reason imputable to the member.
- ④ The company is exempted from the responsibility if the member fails to gain benefits expected from the services of the company or suffer losses from the choice or use of service data.
- ⑤ The company is exempted from the responsibility for reliability and accuracy of any information, data, and facts posted by the member.
Article 19 (Competent Court)
- ① If a dispute arises between the company and member in relation to the service usage, the company and member shall consult faithfully to resolve the dispute.
- ② If the dispute cannot be resolved according to Paragraph 1 of this Article, the parties may file a lawsuit in the competent court under the Civil Procedure Act.
[Supplementary Clause]
(Enforcement Date) These Terms come into effect on January 20, 2006.